Tuesday, September 18, 2007

unforgiven results

The WWE promo hits.

- A video package airs highlighting tonight's scheduled matches including John Cena defending the WWE Title against Randy Orton - can Cena make it a full year as champion?

- A graphic opening then welcomes us to Unforgiven. We go live to the FedExForum where a series of pyro goes off.

- CM Punk defeated Elijah Burke to retain the ECW World Title. Before the match, a video package ran highlighting CM Punk's victory over John Morrison two weeks ago to become the new ECW Champion. Lots of ground wrestling between Punk and Burke early on in the match. Punk gets the better of Burke with a quick kick to the back. Burke responds sending Punk's head into the ring. Burke then started working on the lower back of Punk and made that his focus for the majority of the match. At one point, Burke got a Boston Crab applied on Punk followed by a series of german suplexes. The finish saw Punk get a front rolling cradle pin on Burke to retain the title. Another example of an ECW Title Match that a PPV crowd wasn't into much at all. They gave off the impression that a program between Punk and Burke will continue after tonight.

- MVP & Matt Hardy defeated Deuce & Domino to retain the WWE Tag Team Titles. Lots of arguing early on between MVP and Hardy on who would start the match. MVP started off with Domino, got in some quick offense and then slapped Hardy across the chest to tag him in. Hardy then did some more impressive offense on Deuce (who was tagged in earlier by Domino) and bragged to MVP as well. Cherry tried to trip up Hardy at one point in the match. They did a spot where MVP was frustrated and started walking up the aisle. MVP came back after Hardy kicked out of a big double-team move by Deuce & Domino. Hardy with some quick offense in on D & D followed by MVP getting the tag. MVP cleaned house. The finish saw Hardy send MVP into Domino allowing him to hit the Twist of Fate on Deuce for the pinfall to retain the tag titles. After the match, Hardy celebrated with both WWE Tag Team Titles and threw the WWE U.S. Title at an angry MVP. Hardy left with both tag titles.

- A "WWE Mobile Exclusive" interview was shown with Rey Mysterio. Mysterio said he wasn't 100 percent, but would be ready to go tonight. He said he was going to have to dodge Khali's Vice Grip and that he wanted to shock the world again tonight by winning the World Title.

- Triple H defeated Carlito. Stipulation for this was it was No DQ rules for Carlito and Carlito only. Early on, Carlito went for some weapons under the ring and got a trash can. When Triple H dodged an attack from Carlito, he went for the trash can but the referee took it away. The action spilled to the outside which saw Carlito try to use a steel chair on Triple H, but Triple H dodged it and Carlito hit the steel post instead. They did a spot where Triple H applied an abdominal stretch on Carlito and used the ropes for leverage. The referee finally caught Triple H and made him break the hold. The action spilled to the outside again and Carlito caught Triple H in the head with the ring bell. Carlito then hit Triple H over the head a few times with the trash can. The finish saw Carlito throw powder in the eyes of Triple H and bail from the ring and get another steel chair. When he went to hit Triple H with it, Triple H caught Carlito with a spinebuster. Triple H went for the
chair, but the referee took it away. With the referee distracted, Triple H hit a low blow and a Pedigree on Carlito for the win.

- A promo for WrestleMania 24 in Orlando, FL airs.

- Backstage, Maria is with Batista. Batista said the time for talking was over and tonight he would be taking back the World Heavyweight Title.

- Candice Michelle defeated Beth Phoenix to retain the WWE Women's Title. Was a lot longer then I'm sure many people expected. The story they told was Phoenix completely dominating Michelle the entire match with big power moves. Phoenix also pulled out some of Michelle's hair as well. The finish saw Michelle get a crucifix pin on Phoenix countering another Gorilla Press attempt to get the pinfall and retain the title. Candice Michelle's complete ass was posed and we've got 8 pics below. WOW. After the match, they showed a shot of a very angry Phoenix.

- A promo airs for No Mercy on October 7.

- Backstage, Todd Grisham is with World Heavyweight Champion The Great Khali and his translator. Khali smashes some fruit to show what he will do to Batista and Mysterio tonight.

- Batista defeated The Great Khali & Rey Mysterio to become the NEW World Heavyweight Champion. The match kicked off with both Batista and Mysterio going after Khali. Khali shoved both away and then Khali went to work on Batista. Khali threw some awful looking elbows on Batista. Lots of double-teaming by Batista and Mysterio on Khali after this. Mysterio with a quick cradle pin attempt on Batista that ended in a two count. This stopped the double-teaming with Mysterio hitting a quick head scissors takedown on Batista. Khali applied the Vice Grip on Batista, but Mysterio hit Khali over the back with a steel chair. Khali with a Vice Grip on Mysterio after that and Batista broke that up. They did a big spot where Mysterio hit the 619 on both Khali and Batista. The finish saw Mysterio hit a springboard senton on Khali, but Batista grabbed Mysterio and powerbombed him over Khali. Batista threw Mysterio out, gave Khali a spinebuster and got the pinfall to become the new World Heavy
weight Champion.

- A video package airs highlighting Raw last Monday where Hornswoggle was revealed as Mr. McMahon's illegitimate son. They plug both will be at Raw tomorrow.

- Backstage, Triple H congratulates Batista on winning the World Title.

- Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch defeated Paul London & Brian Kendrick to retain the World Tag Team Titles. The match started off with Lance Cade and Brian Kendrick. Lots of back and forth action between the two early on. Murdoch got a quick tag in, but Kendrick countered any offense from him and quickly tagged in London. Lots of quick tags between London and Kendrick to keep the action fresh. At one point, Kendrick was almost counted out after being knocked off the ring apron by Murdoch. Big spot by London who hit two dropkicks, a reverse atomic drop and standing moonsault on Cade. The finish saw Kendrick attempt the Sliced Bread #2 on Murdoch, but Cade grabbed Kendrick and hit a big spinebuster. London got sent over the top rope by Cade and Murdoch covered Kendrick for the win to retain the tag titles. Was a real solid tag match.

- Randy Orton defeated John Cena via DQ; Cena retains the WWE Championship. Before the match, they show a shot of John Cena's dad sitting in the front row. The match kicked off with Cena exploding in the ring and taking out Orton right away. Cena attempts the STFU right away, but Orton fights it off and rolls to the outside. Cena followed Orton and threw him quickly back into the ring. Orton caught Cena with a quick uppercut and hit a DDT from the ropes. Orton applied a sleeper on Orton that changed over to a headlock. Cena eventually fought back hitting a big clothesline then a big splash. Cena then started hitting Orton with some stiff punches. Cena shoved the referee away when he tried to break it up. When Cena shoved the referee away a second time, the referee called for the bell just at around seven minutes in. Orton wins by DQ, but Cena retains the WWE Title. After the match, Orton pulled Cena's dad over the ring barricade. When Orton looked to go for another kick, Cena
tackled him and applied the STFU. Cena's dad then kicked Orton in the head. Security escorted Cena's dad out as Cena stood over a beat up Orton.

- Backstage, Jonathan Coachman got in the face of John Cena's father and told him Cena that Orton deserved a rematch. Coachman announced Cena vs. Orton at No Mercy in a Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Title. Cena shoved Coach to the ground.

- A video package runs highlighting the return of The Undertaker tonight against Mark Henry.

The Undertaker defeated Mark Henry. 'Taker looks older, a little different. Undertaker's enterance was very well done. Taker stares down Henry before striking him with a huge right, Taker has Henry in the corner and hits a running clothesline, goes for it again but Henry catches him, Taker regains control straight away, Taker has Henry in an arm ringer and goes for Old School but Henry prevents it and tries to go for a superplex from the top turnbuckle, Taker punches Henry back down to the mat but Hnery manages to get back up and hit the suplex from the top. Both guys exchange a few power moves with Henry coming out on top, Taker gets back up again and knocks Henry over the top rope, they fight on the outside and Henry hits a low blow with the referee distracted, back in the ring Henry is keeping Taker down, he hits a running splash but only gets a 2. Henry hits another splash but again only gets a 2, Henry goes for a 3rd splash but Taker moves, Henry and Taker exchange punch
es, Henry knocks Taker to the mat and hits a body slam and another splash, Taker sits up and grabs Henry by the throat, he pushes Henry into the corner and hits him with running clotheslines, Taker hits Old School on Henry and connects with a Chokeslam, Taker only gets a 2 count. Taker tries the Last Ride but Henry gets out of it, Taker runs into a bear hug by Henry, Henry puts Taker in the corner, climbs up the turnbuckles and punches Taker, Taker grabs Henry and hits the Last Ride from the corner for the victory. Taker kneels down in the ring filled with purple light, Taker stands up and motions he wants the World Title back as Unforgiven goes off air!!

The spotlight was on WWE Sunday night for its "Unforgiven" pay-per-view. On paper, it didn't look bad. Did they deliver? Read on!

Challenge Match: Undertaker vs. Mark Henry
What Should Happen: UT makes his big return after being out a few months. Should he win? The bigger question is why should a stiff like Mark Henry win?

What Will Happen: Fly to Las Vegas. If you can find a casino that will take wrestling bets (I'm sure there are none), put all your money on Undertaker. The cinch of all cinches.

What Did Happen: Undertaker beat Mr. Henry. Collect your dough.

Challenge Match: Carlito vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
What Should Happen: In this handicap match, Carlito gets to break the rules -- but Triple H can't. Will it matter? What do you think? If the future owner of the promotion loses to Carlito in a pay-per-view match, we're all in a world of hurt because that means Earth has stopped spinning.

What Will Happen: While in Las Vegas, make a second bet, with someone else's money: Triple H to win.

What Did Happen: Hunter overcame "impossible odds" to beat a guy who should be cooler.

WWE Women's Championship Match: Candice Michelle (c) vs. Beth Phoenix
What Should Happen: Candice is a terrible wrestler, but has shown a bit of spunk lately. Phoenix is a bruiser who looks like she has a bit of talent. I'd put the belt on the person (Phoenix) who has some idea of what she's doing.

What Will Happen: In the end, Phoenix will rise from the mat with the women's belt.

What Did Happen: In the end, Candice fooled us again -- and won.

World Tag Team Championship Match: Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade (c) vs. Paul London and Brian Kendrick
What Should Happen: No one should take these belts off of Murdoch and Cade, the redneck heels. I like London and Kendrick as performers, but their ring outfits are stupid-looking. That alone should put them in loser-ville.

What Will Happen: Murdoch and Cade will retain.

What Did Happen: Murdoch and Cade got the pin and the win.

WWE Tag Team Championship Match: MVP and Matt Hardy (c) vs. Deuce and Domino
What Should Happen: MVP and Matt Hardy don't get along, but they're champs together anyway. For now. I'm guessing they'll fight each other during this match, and basically hand the titles to D & D. If it were up to me, I'd throw a curve and have Deuce and Domino break up. That's called wrestling chaos, kids.

What Will Happen: Deuce and Domino will capture the titles from MVP and Hardy.

What Did Happen: I guess WWE sees more in MVP and Hardy than I do. The unlikely duo kept their belts.

ECW Championship Match: C.M. Punk (c) vs. Elijah Burke
What Should Happen: Punk spent a lot of time getting this title away from John Morrison. There's no way he should lose it in his first PPV defense.

What Will Happen: Another lock. Punk keeps his hardware.

WhatDid Happen: Punk pinned Burke to keep his ECW crown.

World Heavyweight Championship Match: The Great Khali (c) vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Batista
What Should Happen: Khali is horrible. Batista is predictable. Mysterio is great, and fans love him. Mysterio should win. Batista should chase him. Khali should go far, far away.

What Will Happen: Batista is getting his belt back. Khali simply doesn't deserve it. Rey gets the shaft.

What Did Happen: Batista got his belt back, pinning Khali -- who simply didn't deserve it. Rey kind of got the shaft. But at least Khali is not the champion. Thank you, Vince McMahon.

WWE Championship Match: John Cena (c) vs. Randy Orton
What Should Happen: I've come to a conclusion. In terms of wrestling skills, John Cena can't shine Randy Orton's boots. In terms of microphone skills, Cena has an edge over Orton. What's more important? It's a wrestling show, isn't it? Hasn't Orton paid his dues the past few years? Doesn't he deserve another shot at the belt? Sure he does. Give him the ball for a bit. Let's see what he does with it.

What Will Happen: I'm going with Orton to take the title from Cena.

What Did Happen: Orton won, but only because Cena got disqualified. As a result, the belt stays on Cena. Note to WWE: people pay too much money for these things for a DQ ending. If you didn't want Cena to lose his belt, have him win cleanly!

That'll do it. For the record, I picked five winners and missed three (Orton won, but didn't grab the title). Not too terrible. The biggest victory? Batista. Mr. Khali, please go away now. Your act is macabre -- a complete horror.

Before the bell rings, make sure to download EPISODE 45 of "Old School, New School," the Professor Wrestling podcast. This week, my co-hosts Dr. Mike Lano and George Schire go thumbs up or thumbs down on Hornswaggle being named Vince McMahon's illegitimate son. We'll also cover TNA's big move to expand "Impact" to two hours and we'll chat about the rumored retirement of a huge WWE star. Don't even think about missing it.


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