Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Paradigm picks SKUA as suite of applications' name
SKUA solutions benefit geophysicists, geologists, petrophysicists and engineers through a simple, one-click approach to 3D modeling.

Monday, October 01, 2007by EnerPub

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Paradigm, a provider of enterprise software solutions to the global oil and natural gas exploration and production (E&P) industry, said its new suite of subsurface applications will be known as SKUA, an acronym for Subsurface Knowledge Unified Approach. The name was also selected for its symbolic reference to the Skua, an arctic bird of prey known for its competitive behavior, superior hunting skills and adaptation to some of the harshest terrain on earth.

Paradigm engaged E&P technology users for product name recommendations, and selected SKUA from the hundreds of suggestions they received. The winning entry was submitted by Professor Jean-Laurent Mallet. The $10,000 award will be accepted by Mr. Serge Nicoletis to benefit the Ecole Nationale de Géologie de Nancy, the winner's nominated accredited university.

SKUA is a major component of a new suite of applications that will integrate leading geoscience technology from Paradigm. SKUA simplifies modeling tasks by eliminating many of the complexity limitations of current industry technology, such as the time-consuming construction of multi-faulted models and the severe limitations of pillar and extrusion technology.

"SKUA greatly simplifies the modeling process and reduces modeling time from weeks to days by shifting away from a surface and pillar-based approach of traditional reservoir modeling," said Jean-Claude Dulac, Paradigm's chief architect. "We are pleased to introduce the first SKUA cornerstone application from Paradigm which is the future breakthrough subsurface imaging, interpretation and modeling technologies."

SKUA solutions benefit geophysicists, geologists, petrophysicists and engineers through a simple, one-click approach to 3D modeling. This results in better structural, stratigraphic and reservoir 3D models with multi-resolution capabilities while removing distortion introduced with current modeling technologies.

EnerPub provides premium global energy news and analysis, "the news that moves the world."
Paradigm picks SKUA as suite of applications' nameEnerPub, USA
- Oct 01, 2007
- Oct 01, 2007
SKUA solutions benefit geophysicists, geologists, petrophysicists and engineers through a simple, one-click approach to 3D modeling. by EnerPub Paradigm, ...
clipped from Google - 10/2007
Paradigm(TM) Unveils the SKUA Geologic Driven Modeling Solution at ...American Digital Networks (press release), USA
- Sep 29, 2007
- Sep 29, 2007
"SKUA Geologic Driven Modeling greatly simplifies workflow processes and reduces modeling time from weeks to days through a completely new approach to ...
clipped from Google - 10/2007
Alan, lord of these planktony islesScotsman
- Oct 11, 2007
- Oct 11, 2007
Visiting the Shetlands for this new series he was dive-bombed by a flock of Attenborough-loyal Arctic skua who seemed to be trying to drive him back to ...
clipped from Google - 10/2007
JDR links up Aussie projectsEnergyCurrent, USA
- Oct 23, 2007
- Oct 23, 2007
The second deal, which is with Coogee Resources, will involve the supply of umbilicals to Montara, Swift and Skua oil field developments in the Timor Sea. ...
clipped from Google - 10/2007
More news results ?

Blog posts

Banded skua follow-up Aug 30, 2007
In my posting about the CRESLI whale-watching trip I mentioned that we observed a banded South Polar Skua, which was photographed by Angus Wilson and other individuals. After cropping his images and sharpening the band detail, ...

South Polar Skua Oct 3, 2007
The word "skua" dates back to Old Norse. The skua's annual appearance in the fall is part of an immense, annual clockwise migration, north from Antarctica to Japan, and then back south along the edge of North America. ...

Paradigm Selects SKUA As New Name For Powerful Suite Of Applications Oct 1, 2007
Paradigm, a leading provider of enterprise software solutions to the global oil and natural gas exploration and pro... [Full Story]

Web results

Skua - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The name skua comes from Faroese skúgvur [?sk?kv??] (Stercorarius skua), and the island of Skúvoy is renowned for its colony of that bird. ...

Great Skua - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Great Skua, Stercorarius skua, is a large seabird in the skua family Stercorariidae. In Britain, it is sometimes known by the name Bonxie, ...

Antarctic birds
Pictures of 6 different species of Antarctic birds: skua, giant petrel, Cape petrel, Wilson petrel, snow petrel, fulmar.

Brown Skua (Catharacta antarctica)
The Brown Skua (Catharacta antarctica) breeds in the southern oceans almost circumpolarly in places like South Georgia, the Falklands, some areas of ...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Pomarine Skua
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Aves

Order: Charadriiformes

Family: Stercorariidae
Gray, 1871
Genus: Stercorarius
Brisson, 1760

For other uses: see Skua (disambiguation).
The skuas are seabirds in the family Stercorariidae. The three smaller skuas are called jaegers in North America.

The name skua comes from Faroese skúgvur [?sk?kv??] (Stercorarius skua), and the island of Skúvoy is renowned for its colony of that bird. Jaeger is derived from the German word J?ger, meaning hunter.

Skuas nest on the ground in temperate and arctic regions and are long-distance migrants.

Outside the breeding season they take fish, offal and carrion. Many are partial kleptoparasites, chasing gulls, terns and other seabirds to steal their catches; the larger species also regularly kill and eat adult birds, up to the size of Great Black-backed Gulls. On the breeding grounds they commonly eat lemmings, and the eggs and young of other birds.

They are in general medium to large birds, typically with grey or brown plumage, often with white markings on the wings. They have longish bills with a hooked tip, and webbed feet with sharp claws. They look like large dark gulls, but have a fleshy cere above the upper mandible. They are strong, acrobatic fliers.

Skuas are related to gulls, waders, auks and skimmers. In the three smaller species (all Holarctic), breeding adults have the two central tail feathers obviously elongated and at least some adults have white on the underparts and pale yellow on the neck, characteristics that the larger species (all native to the Southern Hemisphere except for the Great Skua) do not share. Therefore the skuas are often split into two genera with only the smaller species retained in Stercorarius, and the large species placed in Catharacta. However, there is no genetic basis for this separation[citation needed]. The Pomarine and Great Skuas' mitochondrial DNA (which is inherited from the mother only) is in fact more closely related to each other than it is to either Arctic or Long-tailed Skuas, or to the Southern Hemisphere species[citation needed]. Thus, hybridization must have played a considerable role in the evolution of the diversity of Northern Hemisphere skuas.

"Skua" is also a slang term at American Antarctic research stations such as the McMurdo Station or the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. It is named for the bird, and it means to salvage or scavenge for equipment or gear.


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